Contemporary Abstract Palette Knife Paintings and Random Thoughts by an Oklahoma Artist.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Santa Fe Collectors Guide
Sunday, December 26, 2010
"Fusion''- New 24''x24'' Abstract
I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends. I did manage to finish this one new painting in the last few days and it's another one on the warm side. Winter makes me feel like painting red. Where is that heat?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Expanding My Horizons to Tulsa Town

Jack Summers and son Waylon are second and third generation owners in this fine gallery established in 1978. Their new location is at 6528 E. 51st in the "The Farm" shopping district and centrally located in Tulsa. They feature a group of amazing artists from Oklahoma and all over the US. I feel humbled to be in the gallery with artists such as Jeff Ham, Todd Ford and Santa Fe sculptor Kevin Box, to name a few. Tulsa's art heritage runs deep and is known for the Philbrook Museum of Art and the Gilcrease Museum.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
New work..."Arrival" 24''x24'' Abstract
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
I spent all day yesterday setting up the art booth for the NRHA Reining Horse Futurity Show in Oklahoma City the next ten days. Fellow OKC landscape artist, Thomas Stotts will be joining me for the show and we plan to paint "live'' during the week. Horse people from all over the globe will attend this annual event and I'm sure some of them love fine art. It should be an interesting few days.
The Oklahoma Arts Guild will also feature a display at the show with over 100 pieces of art by 100 artists from the state. An opening reception is planned at 5:30 December 2 with a live auction of select art following to benefit youth art endeavors.
Reining In The Arts
The "Long Tall" Painting
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Horses and Art...New Adventures
Monday, November 8, 2010
New "Mindscape Series" Number 3

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
"Vanguard" 16''x20'' Acrylic Painting
Thursday, October 28, 2010
"GeoForm" 24''x24'' Geometric Abstract
"Skylines" 12''x12'' Acrylic
This little painting looks much better in person because the metallic glow is not as visible in photos. I started this one with an Irradescent Peal undercoat mixed with the textured gel. I then painted with transparent glazes so the pearl would reflect through and it really gave it a jewel-like shimmer. I think a 48x48'' done this way would really be cool!
Monday, October 25, 2010
"Surfaces I" - 8''x8'' Mini Abstract
Sunday, October 24, 2010
"Prairie Rhythm " New 24x18'' Acrylic
The last few days have been productive in the studio and three new works were finished last night. This is a favorite of those three and has a spontaneous vibe to it with a kind of Native feel and painted with emotion. More to follow...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Reviving the Mini Abstracts...A New 8''x8''
I really like painting these little "abstract studies" as I call them and since there were only two left after almost thirty of them, I will be painting more. People seem to really enjoy them and I just sent one to a woman in New Jersey last week. She had printed the image of the painting which spoke to her and carried it around in her purse for some time before finally making the purchase. If you see one that you really love, don't wait around too long or you just might miss it. Someone else may be carrying "your" painting around right now!
Thanks to all who have made my art a success!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
"Festivo" 30''x40'' Acrylic Abstract
My wife is my biggest fan and supporter. She doesn't ask to keep many of my paintings, but once in a while she makes a request. She asked for a painting just for "her'' that incorporated earth tones, purples and orange.
Yes, Dear. Anything for my biggest fan! :)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
"Mindscape II" Palette Knife Abstract
Number two in the 12'' Mindscape Series. These are painted quickly in one or two sittings because I want them to feel spontaneous and full of emotion. Snapshots of landscapes stored in my mind. Maybe they are snippets of real places, dreams or complete imagination. I would like to hear what you see in them, so drop a line or comment.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Art Weekend in Guthrie, OK

Thank you to the friendly and helpful staff of Guthrie Escape and for providing the "big tents" for us so we didn't have to set up our own. If you ever get a chance to visit this town, it will charm you with all of it's history and victorian buildings. Guthrie was actually the first Capitol of Oklahoma before it was moved to Oklahoma City. It is also famous for the many bed and breakfast inns it contains.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
"Paseo Mist" 20''x16'' Acrylic Painting
A recent surreal painting based on influences of travels to Santa Fe. Paseo de Peralta circles the old downtown district of the city and is lined with adobe structures. I wanted to give a hint to the subject without going into a lot of details.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
"Mindscape I" 12''x12'' Acrylic Painting
A new landscape from my mind. What is the mysterious structure rising up in the distance?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
"Ascent"- New 12x12 Abstract Painting
Monday, September 13, 2010
New Work- "Discovery" 24x24'' Acrylic
I have enjoyed some quick sales at InArt Santa Fe Gallery, which is exciting! After this last fall show, I'll be refocusing on some new works to replace gallery work as it sells. I am doing a select number of festivals to get out and meet art buyers and I do enjoy them when the weather cooperates, but they are a ton of work and travel. I am ready to spend some real quality painting time in the studio as weather cools down as well as getting out and just soaking in some Fall air. This is my favorite time of year.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Is Art Ever Really Finished?

''Connections'' 30x30'' Acrylic SOLD
This is a new 30x30'' called "Connections". The top photo is where I stopped the first time and called it finished. After it sat in the studio for a couple of days, it seemed to be taunting me to come back to it. Something just didn't feel right about it. Last night it seemed the turquoise glazing in the top center area was the part that bugged me, so I added the warmer glazes up top and then used some subtle blues on the left center area to balance things out.
I don't know if an art piece is ever actually "finished". I once heard someone say that an artist never finishes the work, but only abandons it. A guy I used to work with would say "stop tickling it to death!", meaning let it go before you overwork it. Pretty simple in theory, but sometimes hard to practice.
Paint! Paint and move along, please.
PS: I went back and tweaked some more after posting! :)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
"Division" -New 16''x20'' Palette Knife Abstract
Saturday, September 4, 2010
InArt Santa Fe Gallery
Monday, August 30, 2010
New! "REVEAL" 40''x16'' Abstract
Thursday, August 26, 2010
New work- "LEGACY" 24''x24'' Abstract
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Vaya al Oeste..or bust!
This painting I finished yesterday will make the trip and the title pretty much sums up the whole situation in those two words.
Go West or bust. Well, I doubt about the bust part, but I am on a mission!
More about the new gallery soon.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Picasso and Sweet Potato Vine

Sweet potato vine is also prolific. I shot the photo this morning in front of the studio and this whole prolific train of thought started. Maybe I'm inspired by this hardy green plant, which would probably grow one hundred feet if you let it. We went to the mountains for a week and it continued to grow all over in spite of the 105 degree temps and little water. You can hack it back and it grows more. You can cut a piece off and stick it in some dirt and it propagates itself. Don't dare put fertilizer on this stuff or it might grow legs and walk off.
As an artist, I kind of feel that like this vine, I just need a little gowing room and water to really flourish. I can take some setbacks or pruning and not let that stop my growth, but learn from each work produced and move on to the next, always looking to the horizon. Hopefully I also become a better person in the process.
50,000 works of art. I have much work to do...and some plants to water!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Painting on Commission
"Master Plan" 30''x40'' Canvas - SOLD
While I love to just paint bodies of work for shows and galleries, nothing beats painting a custom piece of art for someone who is a true "collector". One who loves your work enough to own more than one piece. This one was done for such collectors, or fans of my art who actually own many of my paintings. These fans are rare and I really appreciate them for wanting to surround themselves with my work. They have also become great friends in the process and we have enjoyed dinners and conversations. Selling art is just one thing. Enjoying the relationships with people created from those sales may actually be the best part.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
"Ancestry" New 24''x24'' Acrylic Abstract (Sold)

24''x24'' Acrylic Abstract
I had painted this right before leaving for the Crested Butte show and it was among the first ones sold last weekend. It actually was one of my latest favs and I guess they liked it as well!
These new pieces have some pencil lines scratched in which creates some spontaneous but subtle interest. They are like an architect's rough drawings overlaid with texture and paint.
Always exploring more possibilities.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Some More Pics of Crested Butte Show...
A view of condos from the ski lift on Crested Butte Mountain.
Django's Restaurant on Crested Butte Mountain was amazing and the owners are great people. Rated in the top of restaurants in Colorado.
Crested Butte has it's cast of characters!

We had great crowds Saturday and Sunday...between rain showers!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
From The Cool Mountains To 107 Degrees!
It's back to the real world after doing the Crested Butte Festival and relaxing in the high mountain air of Colorado. We arrived back in OK Tuesday to 107 temps and humidity. Talk about a slap in the face!
The show was a success. Fourteen paintings were sold and I met so many great art patrons as well as new artist friends. Crested Butte is just the coolest little mountain town full of diverse characters, super food, and panoramic views. I will make this one a stop again for sure.
Thank you patrons, for taking a piece of my art home with you!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Head Crested Butte
It's that time. Time to check everything off the packing list, load up the trailer and hit the road to Crested Butte, CO Arts Festival this coming weekend. It's been HOT here and we are ready for the cooler and less humid weather. I thought a scene which conveyed the thoughts of leaving the hot country plains for the cool mountains was appropriate. Come by if you are in the area and look for booth #177.
Now, where's that checklist again?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"Emote" 24''x18'' Abstract Painting
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Fifteen Days to Crested Butte...
If you are in the Colorado area, come on out and say hello. Better yet, plan a road (plane, train, bike) trip to the mountains anyway! It's beautiful this time of year. Over 175 quality artists, culinary events with the top Five Denver chefs, music and more.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
"Antico"- New 30''x30'' Painting
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Small For The Wall - 6''x6'' Abstract Painting
Friday, July 2, 2010
New Gallery- SO Art in Historic Guthrie, OK

Today, I made a trip to deliver paintings to a new gallery in the historic town of Guthrie, Oklahoma. Simply Oklahoma, LLC also known as SO Art, is in an Arts & Crafts period building which is close to 10,000 square feet in size. They feature only Oklahoma artists and there is A LOT of art! I'm happy to join the team and they really seem agressive at making a go of it and supporting the artists.
Thanks S.O. for asking me aboard!
Check them out at
Monday, June 28, 2010
"Pacifico" - A Peaceful 12x12'' Abstract
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
"Release!" The painting...The mindset.
"Release" 40''x16'' Abstract on Gallery Canvas
This is the last post for the next couple of days while I go with my wife for her surgery. It has been a stressful few days and I escaped to the studio earlier in the week as a "release" to clear the mind, find a happy place, think on the positive, and pray for a good outcome tomorrow. I believe all will be well and that complete release will be felt soon!
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Take time to look around...
Image ©2010 Carlos Gauna,
Life. It can be wonderful, hectic, and full of surprises.
I wanted to just stop and post this great pic by a photographer friend of mine from Malibu, CA to remind you to slow down know... smell the flowers.
My wonderful wife has been having some health issues and is facing a surgery later this week. It's really hard to focus on work, art or anything really until we know all is well. It puts things in perspective and makes us realize that we need to enjoy life with gusto. Stop sweating the little stuff, because it just doesn't matter...really.
Cherish those you love today and smell a flower or two....or dozen.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Updates to the blog...
I'm test driving some new blogger templates and this one appealed to me. Clean and simple, but still has a dark backround, which makes the art look good in my opinion. If you have feedback on the new format, please write your comments.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
"Impromptu Blu" is a Winner!

It was also the only abstract in the Judges Favorite 15% picks as well!
I'm honored to be in the company of so many outstanding painters. Click the link to see all of the May finalists.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
A Hot Day at Clinton, OK Art in the Park