©2011 Mark Yearwood
"Chronicle" 24''x24''x1.5'' acrylic/canvas
Not every one of my paintings come out just the way I envision them. Once in a while the canvas seems to be cursed, or the paint... or something. I get to a point where I call it done, but then when it hangs around for some time, it jumps off the wall and gives me a head slap somewhat like the one the NCIS team (a TV show, not that I watch tv much)...uses to make a point.
The only thing left to do then, is burn it or paint over it. You don't want to give it away because if you don't like it, who else will? Well, someone will eventually.
Since I don't like to burn a good canvas and paint covers all, I choose to paint over.
This painting, appropriately titled "Chronicle" is the result of some re-working.
The new piece has a history of paint progression with at least three paint-over sessions. Each time, parts of the previous stages were spared in the process. It really took on a character of its own and seemed to push me in the direction it needed to go.
When you think something is going south, never give up. There might be a painting there somewhere waiting to happen!