Monday, August 27, 2012

New work!

©2012 Mark Yearwood
"Ancient Winds" 18''x18''x2.5''
Acrylic/Graphite/Canvas 2012

I'm a bit behind on news here, but for today, here is a new piece from the studio over the weekend.
I am leaning a bit to minimal works that also use texture as a part of the composition. Deciding where to stop on pieces like this is the difficult part. I think this one turned out nice.

My solo show in Santa Fe this past month was great and several pieces found homes thanks to InArt Gallery. I'm about ready for a return trip. It's just a great place for an artist to spend time and soak up the creative environment.

If you are not already following me on Facebook, then why not? I post new works and news regularly there, so jump in and interact with us.


  1. Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

    abstract landscape

  2. Thanks! I use FB so much that this blog gets neglected. It takes so much time to keep up all these web things and still work! -M
